Draft Minutes of the 64th Annual General Meeting

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Post Date: 31 October 2024


1.  All were seated and the Meeting commenced at 09h00.

2.  Opening:
The Master of Ceremonies, Greg Azzopardi opened the Meeting and Willem De Valence
delivered a prayer.

3.  Present:
Greg welcomed all members present with specific reference to our invited Guests:
Dr George Hughes – Our Patron; Marius Haarhoff – CHASA Executive, Wayne Munger –
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Hunting; Selvan Pillay – Richmond District Conservation Officer,
Mike Pereira – Kingfisher; Neville and Hayley van Lelyveld – Wildlife management team;
Rick Wilson – Archery/Bow Hunting Specialist; Claude Topper – 91 years of age – oldest
member; Paul Phelan – KZN Honorary Officers Hunting.
Apologies received from:  Karel Landman – Pongola Game Reserve; Karuna Bridgemohun –
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife; Rowan Kirton – Kings Firearms; Ravi Reddy – Broadway Shooting
Club and Andrew Whysall – Whylo

A minute of silence was observed for 25 members of our Association who had passed
away during 2023. This list of members is available at the Office.

4.  Apologies:
Apologies were received from 56 members and the list of names can be viewed at the

5.  Constitution of Meeting:
The Meeting was properly constituted as a Notice was sent to members on the 10th of
October 2023 via and email.  Greg confirmed the Business to be conducted at the AGM is
as per clause 13.2 of the Constitution.

6.  Confirmation of Minutes:
The Minutes of 63rd AGM held on the 12th of November 2022 were taken as read and
confirmed as being a true reflection of the Meeting.
Proposed by Willem De Valence and Seconded by Ron Daniel

7.  Matters Arising:
7.1  Association Shooting Range: The CEO, Chris Jennings, informed the meeting  that 8
years ago members were requested donations for the Umhlali Shooting range
project..  The donations were invested in an interest bearing account.  The funds
donated are for a specific reason – the establishment of an Association Shooting
range in the Durban area.  Despite numerous attempts to achieve this,
a suitable site has not been identified.  Chris proposed that the funds donated
be set aside and utilized, if necessary, to meet our current shortfall in the budget.
Wade Pope referred all to the Constitution and seconded Chris’s proposal, which
was also supported by Paul Walsh.
7.2  Greg informed all that it is anticipated that the matters arising from the previous
will be dealt with under the Presidents address and the Financial report.  Any other
outstanding matters can be dealt with under Agenda Item “General”.

8.  Presidents address:
Conrad delivered his Presidents address which included the following:
8.1  Conrad congratulated the Springbucks on having won the Rugby World Cup for
a record 4th time.

8.2  Analysis of the financials shows that the Association functions as a tight ship, with almost
zero opportunity for cost cutting.  Our biggest expense is our staff, who, if evaluated in a
commercial sense is at the lower scale of remuneration. They are also fully utilized in
managing the spectrum of issues that constantly have to be addressed.

8.3 In the short term, the members at the AGM will be asked for access to the shooting range
fund. This should tide the Association over to 2024. It is highly unlikely a suitable shooting
range site will be found around Durban, and the rapid urbanization on the perimeter makes
this a difficult and moving target.

8.4 We have a long and proud history and are one of the oldest Hunting Associations in the
country. We also have excellent service to our members, not a computer to talk to, but
friendly staff with a wealth of experience and able to assist in all respects. We have a
relationship with our provincial wildlife authority that is the envy of many others.

8.5 There has been a change in the EXCO of CHASA, Johan Kapp who served as Vice Chairman for
many years has retired and has been replaced by Matt Relihan, who is the CEO of Kaapjag.
and has a wealth of experience in our area of influence.

8.6  Conrad closed off his address by expressing his appreciation the:

The CHASA Board and EXCO for holding the fort on the National basis.
Chris, Hannelie and Rose for the outstanding job they are doing at Head Office.
Exco, for the support and wise council at meetings.
Bruce, for taking on additional CHASA matters.
Ahmed for his excellent input in terms of finances.
Willem as President Elect for the energy applied at Durban Branch and Association level.

Again – Chris, thanks for working so diligently for the Association and the good working
relationship we have dealing with a multitude of scenarios that unfold, almost on a daily

  1. Financial report:
    Conrad introduced Ahmed to deliver the Finance report for the 2022/2023 financial
    year. Ahmed Haffejee delivered the Financial Report which included the following
    The members serving on the Finance Committee for the current year were Ahmed
    Haffejee (Finco Chairman), Conrad Klipp, Chris Jennings and Bruce Ambrose. The day-to-
    day administration is dealt with by Rose Haring and Hannelie Wagner. The Auditors for
    the year were Viljoen & Partners.

The AFS, together with this FINCO report were published on the members’ section of the
Association’s web site. on 01 November 2023. An SMS message was sent to members
advising them of this.


A summary of the salient aspects of the results is as follows:

Income Statement Note 2023





Year on Year










Revenue 1 1 720 1 723 0.1%  decrease   1759 1612 1816 1741
Other Income 2 277 253       9% increase   299 292 640 491
Branch generated Income 2 298 284 5%  increase   134 103 135 168
Operating Expenses 3 2388 2315 3% – increase   1 984 1979 2145 2012


4 (154) (119) 29% – increase   151 (16) 363 279


Note 1 – Revenue:

With reference to the Detailed Income Statement on Page 17 of the Annual Financial Statements (AFS), Membership income has remained flat at R1 473 225.  There has been a reduction in membership, which is continuing to exert pressure on membership fees charged in order to fund the Associations operating costs. Ordinary membership fees increased by 5% over the previous financial year.  Membership fees make up 85% (2022 – 85%) of the Association’s revenue and can be categorized as fully paid fees (ordinary members), reduced fees (junior, senior, wife members) and nil fees (honorary, life, child members).

Revenue also includes an amount of R91 752 (2022: R152 627) received from members and advertisers for the Nyala News Magazine. The costs of producing the publication totalled
R 139 926 for the year (2022: R255 824).  We have now seen the last hardcopy print of the magazine as we moved to an e-platform.

The sales of regalia amounted to R154 854 (2022:  R101 155) an increase in income over the prior year as hunting activity increased post COVID and from sales at the National Hunting
Day event that was hosted by Durban branch of the Association.  The Regalia inventory
level has decreased slightly to R121 462 (2022:  R127 401).

Note 2 – Other Income

Other Income is detailed on Page 17 of the AFS.

Branch receipts are amounts generated from branch activities. These amounts are not used for the general operation of the Association and must therefore be viewed in conjunction with branch expenses on Page 18 of the AFS. Branches are authorised to raise funds and to spend those funds on branch activities subject to branch committee governance. In the current year branches raised a total amount of R298 052 (2022: R284 365) including interest received and expended R346 751 (2022: R240 306).  There has been a substantial increase in activity at branch level which is most welcoming. We are delighted to see greater participation of our youngsters in shoots and other activities.

As you are all aware, there has been several appeals made for voluntary contributions by members – spanning donations from ordinary members to voluntary payments by Life and Senior members. These appeals have raised an amount of R12 151 for the current year (2022:  R14823). Members are sincerely thanked for their generosity, which has played a large part in assisting to stabilise the financial wellbeing of the Association.

CHASA affiliation and contributions of R62 289 (2022: R61 007) are paid to CHASA for fully paid members (ie excl junior, life & honorary members). Members pay a levy as part of their membership fee to recover the cost.

Note 3 Operating Expenses
Operating expenses are detailed on Page 18 of the AFS. Costs excluding branch expenses have decreased by 2% (2022: 14% increase).  Excluding branch and the Nyala News magazine, operating costs have increased by 4.5% year on year (2022:5% increase). Association costs have been well managed by Chris and his team. Every effort continues to be made to curtail expenditure including, where possible initiatives are implemented to reduce costs. Our gratitude is expressed to the Management team for the time invested and sacrifices made especially during the Covid pandemic in ensuring the smooth operation of the Association and to contain costs.

Note 4 – Operating (Deficit)/Surplus

Given the tough conditions under which we have operated in the financial year and the reduction in ordinary membership the Association has regrettably generated a deficit for the year of R153 793 (2022: a deficit of R118 997).   The current loss-making situation is starting to exert immense pressure on the ongoing sustainability of the Association.

Statement of Financial Position

The statement of financial position is reflected on Page 7 of the AFS with detailed explanatory notes on Pages 10 to 16.

All the movements on the Balance Sheet are detailed in the Notes with no notable changes in policy or disclosure.

The valuation of the property remains at R1 700 000.  This valuation has been provided by an accredited Estate Agent.

Looking Forward

The annual budgeting objective of the Association is to achieve profitability just above break-even in order to accumulate a small reserve margin each year and thereby build the strength of the Associations balance sheet.

The results for 2023 reflect that the Association continues to lose ground from the previous financial year.  The year-on-year continual decline in membership does however pose challenges that needs to be managed and overcome.  The 2023/24 budget has been prepared which also forecasts a potential loss of R145 000.  The Management Committee is extremely concerned as regards the ongoing financial viability of the Association and in this regard is proposing to dispose of the Associations property and for the funds to be invested in an interest-bearing investment which will be utilized to fund operating costs.

In order to prepare the property for sale there are certain essential repairs and maintenance that is required and the committee will be requesting approval at the AGM for members to approve the reallocation of the Shooting Range fund investment for this purpose.  Some of the structural damage that is visible on the building is anticipated to be as a result of the recent floods and we have received an Engineers report regarding this, which will hopefully enable us to register a claim with our Insurers.

Thank you to the team I have worked with over the past year and best wishes for the year ahead.

The Audited Financial Statements were ratified at the AGM on 11 November 2023 by the members present.

10.  Election of Auditors – Viljoen and Partners:
Ahmed motivated the reasons why we should maintain our current Auditors – this was
accepted and approved.
Proposed by Mark Robinson and Seconded by Neville van Lelyveld

11.  Election of EXCO Members:
The following members are available and have accepted the nomination:
Conrad Klipp, Ahmed Haffejee, Bruce Ambrose, Willem De Valence, Geoff Muller,
Kurt Bunge, Mithesh Maharaj, Marlo De Franca, Adriaan Vorster, Dawie Boyce,
Martin Pike, Nicky Olivier.  Chris Jennings, in his capacity of “Ex-officio” CEO concludes
the members on EXCO.

At the first EXCO meeting which is scheduled for the 30th of November 2024 these EXCO members shall appoint from their ranks:
1.  President
2.  President-Elect.

Nominations for Honorary Members:
All nominations to be submitted to Branch Chairmen who will then submit the names to EXCO.

  1. Awards to First Time Hunters:
    The following first time hunters were recognised and awarded certificates and were in attendance: Jannah Perumal, Mason Mamotte, Andre Haring and Ruche Ramlucken. The following members tendered their apologies: Mione De Valence, Callahan Moran, Tyler Wolmarans, Brody Cole and Kody Smith. Certificates were handed out by Chris Jennings.

    13 and 14:  Tea break

    15.  Address by Secretary of CHASA – Marius Haarhoff
    Conrad introduced Marius to the members.  Marius gave members an overview of the many aspects that CHASA is dealing with.

    16.  General:
    In terms of the business of the AGM, Greg called for any additional matters that need to be discussed and there were no matters raised.

    17.  Presentation of Awards and Trophies:
    Awards and Trophies were presented to members as per pages 20 to 23 of the AGM booklet.  A list of the Recipients is available at the Office.

    18.  Auction – Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Hunt Packages 2024:
    Greg referred the members to page 26 of the AGM booklet and confirmed the general conditions relating to hunting at the Ezemvelo Phongolo Controlled Hunting Area.
    Five hunt packages were offered to members via auction, which produced some lively bidding.  Thank you to those members who participated in the bidding and congratulations to those who were awarded the Hunt Packages.

    19.  Closure of meeting:
    With no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed and followed by a lunch.




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