- Guns
- Magazines
- Rifle Bolt
- Licenses and Permits
- Ammo Safebox
- Binoculars
- Knife and Belt
- Skinning Knife
- Rucksack
- Water-Bottle
- Gun Straps
- Large Groundsheet
- Tent & Pegs
- Gas Cooker
- Gas Lamp
- Camping Chairs
- Mattress
- Underfelt
- Sleeping Bag
- Pillow
- Sleeping Bag Sheet
- Water Container
- Matches
- Cast Iron pot & Hook
- Braai Grid
- Braai Forks
- Pots
- Pans
- Kettle
- Bread Board
- Plates
- Knives & Forks
- Spoons
- Cups & Mugs
- Cool Box
- Hand Basin
- Ice Packs
- Candles
- Tin Opener
- Bottle Opener
- Hammock
- Basin/Dish Towel
- Dish Washing Liquid
- Axe/Spade
- Torches
- Spare Batteries
- Camp Bed
- Bread
- Butter
- Water
- Milk (Fresh)
- Powder Milk
- Condensed Milk
- Jam
- Sugar
- Meal
- Bacon
- Eggs
- Coffee & Tea
- Pack of Stew
- Grapefruit
- Oranges
- Beans Dry
- Beans Tin
- Cooking Oil
- Herbs & Spices
- Pepper & Salt
- Coriander
- Vinegar
- Potatoes
- Onions
- Tomatoes
- Garlic
- Meat
- Fruit Cordial
- Coarse Salt
- Servants Rations
- Snake Bite Kit
- Eye Drops
- Aspirin
- Plasters
- Zambuk
- Deep Heat
- Hand Cream
- Lip Ice
- Salt Tablets
- Chewing Gum
- Guards & Bandages
- Insect Repellent
- Suntan Oil
- Anti-Malaria Tabs
- Water Purification Tabs
- Bayticol
- Soap
- Towel
- Toothbrush
- Toilet Paper
- Shaving Kits
- Sunglasses
- Eucalyptus Oil
- Shoes/Boots
- Slippers
- Socks
- Long Trousers
- Underpants
- Tracksuit
- Shirt
- Hat
- Hunting Jacket
- Handkerchiefs
- Spare Belt
- Vest
- Gloves
- Mosquito Net
- Rain Coat
- Mirror
- GPS if required
- Meal for Servants
- Cheque Book
- Cash for Tips
- Camera
- Film
- Wire for Hanging
- Biltong Hook
- Sharpening Stone
- File
- Hammocks
- Trailer
- Pump
- Petrol Can/Fuel
- Syphon Hose
- Tools Maps
- Gun Cleaning Kit
- Rope
- Tow-Rope