SAGA Release – CFR Visit 17 May 2021

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Post Date: 18 May 2021

Dear SAGA Member

SAGA Release: Chaos and Disorder at the Central Firearms Registry

17 May 2021

Some members of the Portfolio Committee on Police (PCoP) from Parliament recently did an inspection at the Central Firearms Registry (CFR).

The inspection brought to light once more, the chaos and disorder to be found at CFR with many hundreds, if not thousands, of files being packed metres high along most of the corridors and work spaces It’s no wonder that files often go missing, or documents are mislaid, and that applications are not being processed within a reasonable time frame.

SAGA members have been struggling for many months to obtain feedback on the progress – or lack of progress – with competency and licence applications, and SAGA’s offices have been receiving complaints from members about SAPS poor service delivery on a daily basis.

SAGA’s offices have regularly had to address CFR and the commanding officer of CFR, Brigadier Mabule, on the failure on the part of CFR to process members’ applications within a reasonable time frame. This is the worst service levels that our members have seen for many years and the vast majority of complaints are not being responded to.

There appears to be a complete lack of commitment on the behalf of SAPS and CFR to deliver a satisfactory service to the general public and SAGA is contemplating a class action in the High Court against CFR and SAPS to force them to process applications within a reasonable time period, which applications should be processed within 90 days (three months), as prescribed by the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 (PAJA).

In SAGA’s view, SAPS are currently unable to deal with the administration of competency and firearm licence applications in an effective manner, and SAPS have also failed to ensure that there are adequate personnel and resources to deal with such applications on a timeous basis.

Should any SAGA member experience poor service delivery with respect to their competency and/or licence application, which delays are unreasonable, or any other related issue, please email the SAGA head office on

SAGA believes in the right of law-abiding and responsible citizens to choose to own and use firearms for sport, self-defence, recreation and other legitimate purposes.


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